Monday 20 June 2016

Lesson 1 

A. Listen to the song.

    In the song, there are different kinds of food
    and drinks. What would you like to order?
B. Learning about the 5 food groups and how
     much you need from each group.

C. Make the best choice for your breakfast.  

Lesson 2

Let's play a game!

Answer the questions with your group members.

*Remember to work cooperatively with others and treat others' suggestions positively to complete the questions.


Watch a video about Jimmy and the Bunnies.

Work in groups. Discuss and answer the following questions with your group members.

*Respect others’ views in a class discussion.

Useful links for learning more about healthy eating:

5 Short Stories (Eat Healthy, Be Healthy, and Smile!!!)

Chef Solus and The Explorers Love a Healthy Lunch

Chef Solus Complete List of Games!

Eating a Balanced Diet

Benefits of Eating Fruits and Vegetables - For Kids (children)

Lesson 3

 A. Log in and join EDpuzzle.
        Watch the youtube video and answer the pop-up questions.

   B. Watch another video which is a story about unhealthy eating  
         Work in groups to discuss about the story.


 C. Answer the following questions and write your group's
      comments or advices.

D. Post some comments about other groups' advices in the comment box below.

E. Read the following useful links for home reading.

 Lesson 4  

A. Menu Design:

 B. Group Activity

Read the instructions:

Share your lunch menu next lesson.